Scary Warning About Pool Noodles!
You should definitely file this one away under “things to watch out for” this summer.
By kncipat on June 25, 2018
You should definitely file this one away under “things to watch out for” this summer. Snakes in your pool noodles!
KMOV says that an Arizona family was getting their pool noodles out and out popped a rattlesnake! “The family was reportedly getting ready to hit the pool when they grabbed two noodles that were up against a wall, which is when a big snake popped out of one of them and they found several babies inside.
“It’s ungodly hot out and snakes are just looking for somewhere to hide,” said Greyson Getty, relocator with Rattlesnake solutions.
Getty has wrangled hundreds of snakes as part of his job. He said he’s never come across them in pool noodles before but he isn’t surprised.
“They’re dehydrated, they haven’t had a meal, and there’s a damp pool noodle in a dry desert,” he said. “If I was a snake and I was dehydrated, I would go to the pool noodle too.”
Getty said snakes like dark areas, especially corners. He advises people to keep everything neat and tidy. He also said people should keep pool toys up high in the garage or in a closable plastic container.”
Be careful out there!