Halloween Candies that Toddlers Should Never Have

By djsheryl on October 26, 2023
(Photo by David Dee Delgado/Getty Images)

Kids love Halloween…mostly for the free candy. Sadly though, fun can quickly turn to tragedy. To help protect your kids, a leading pediatrician has released a list of candies that children under 4 should never have, due to the choking risk. The candies they say to avoid: M&M’s . . . Peanut M&M’s . . . Reese’s Pieces . . . Twizzlers . . . gummy bears . . . Skittles . . . Milk Duds . . . Whoppers . . . jawbreakers . . . Blow Pops . . . Tootsie Pops . . . Jolly Ranchers . . . Sour Patch Kids . . . Hot Tamales . . . and candy corn.

That’s a lengthy list! In case you are wondering what IS safe? According to this pediatrician, anything kids have to bite, like chocolate bars, are safer and pose a much smaller risk of choking.

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