A few months back, Jane Fonda and Megyn Kelly had a very awkward interview on the Today Show. During a segment about a movie Fonda was promoting, Kelly tried to bring up the actress’s history of plastic surgery. Fonda had none of it, and the uncomfortable moment made many viewers cringe.
While Fonda has openly complained about what was said during the show, Kelly herself never gave a response. However, when the actress brought the drama back up again this week, Kelly didn’t hold back her feelings…
TMZ is reporting that the TV host unleashed her criticism of Fonda during a Today Show monologue. She began by saying she normally ignored this type of gossip, but she couldn’t hold back anymore. She then tore into Fonda’s apparent hypocrisy for freely discussing her plastic surgery on multiple shows prior, while acting like it was off-limits when Kelly asked about it.
Kelly also explained that while the question may have seemed out of the place at the time, it directly tied in with the movie Fonda was promoting and is something a viewer that hadn’t seen the film yet would not have realized.
Finally, she brought up Fonda’s history of inappropriate moments during the Vietnam War, something that earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.”
All in all, she basically told Fonda that she had no business telling her what is or is not offensive.
Watch the clip above, and let us know what you think about it. Also, head right here to learn more!