Eat At These Restaurants And Support CA Wildfire Relief


By Doug Lazy on October 17, 2017
(Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images for NYCWFF)

This is so cool! UCD Aggies for CA Fire Relief has teamed up with local restaurants in Davis to help raise much needed money for NorCal fire relief. So, here’s where you can dine out with 100% of proceeds going to California wildfire relief.

Tuesday 10/17 @ Raja’s Tandoor (5-9 PM)
Tuesday 10/17 @ Teabo Cafe (6 PM-Midnight)
Wednesday 10/18 @ Lazi Cow (3 PM-Midnight)
Thursday 10/19 @ Cultive Frozen Yogurt (11 AM-11 PM)

You must present the flier to the cashier when you pay. Get the flier and more details HERE.

100% of proceeds that are made during this event will be sent directly to the American Red Cross, which will be used solely for California Fire Relief. If you can’t make it to the event, you can also donate online with the following 2 charities:

The Redwood Credit Union

Napa Valley Community Foundation

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