Dolly Parton is doing quite a few things to help support the ongoing hurricane relief efforts. She recently announced that she will be joining One America Appeal for Hurricane Relief, which is backed by five living former Presidents. The organization provides support for those affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.

Parton is also launching a partnership with her foundation Imagination Library, First Book and Penguin Young Readers “to provide 500,000 free books to hurricane-affected areas through the First Book National Book Bank,” according to Nash Country Daily. Imagination Library already donated 165,000 books and more than $90,000 to cover the shipping and handling charges to start off the campaign.

She said:

“In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, [I know] books are not the first thing people need or miss. But I also know from our past experience that after some time has passed, families, schools and libraries are eager to replenish their shelves—and their —with books. First Book asked us to join with them to get the right books in the right hands at the right time and we were pleased to do so.”

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