Netflix Started Sneaking Ads Into Our Content

Some people have noticed that Netflix has been running some ad-like promos between episodes of shows, and it’s getting some bad feedback.

By on August 20, 2018
(Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Say it ain’t so! Netflix was testing a new thing, something that many of us probably don’t want between binge-isodes. They’re testing ads, seeing what the reaction is like, and planning something from there.

They aren’t necessarily ads for products, but ads for other Netflix shows. Obviously they want to keep you on Netflix, and discovering other content they have. Let’s say you’re streaming the latest series of whatever. Between the end of the show during the credits, they’ll run an ad for another series. It’s a short ad, and once it’s over, the next episode of what you’re watching starts. See? It’s not anything dreadful, just a quick “hey guys, don’t forget we have other shows too” sort of messages.

Netflix says:

At Netflix, we conduct hundreds of tests every year so we can better understand what helps members more easily find something great to watch. A couple of years ago, we introduced video previews to the TV experience, because we saw that it significantly cut the time members spend browsing and helped them find something they would enjoy watching even faster. Since then, we have been experimenting even more with video based on personalized recommendations for shows and movies on the service or coming shortly, and continue to learn from our members.

In this particular case, we are testing whether surfacing recommendations between episodes helps members discover stories they will enjoy faster. It is important to note that a member is able to skip a video preview at anytime if they are not interested.

So they’re just offering a suggested movie or series that you may also enjoy. Sounds great! Problem is, some of the shows on Netflix have funny credits or catchy music that gets cut off, and some people aren’t happy about that. They’re saying that they pay for the service, why are they getting ads, for products or other shows. Some people are also speculating that Netflix will offer a more expensive option in the future to go “ad free.” What are your thoughts?

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