Gwyneth Paltrow will hopefully sleep well now that her stalker can’t come near her…

Radar Online is reporting that a man that’s been stalking the actress since 2016 has a five year restraining order against him.

Justin Massler, also known as Cloud Starchaser, now must stay 200 yards away from Paltrow and her children.

Documents filed against Massler back in November detailed his increasing efforts to meet the actress. Court records show that Massler was sending “disturbing sexual emails” to the star’s Goop store and to her children’s school.

In a 129-page restraining order request, Paltrow explained her fears:

“These actions have caused me to suffer substantial emotional distress, because I am worried Mr.Massler may cause physical harm to me, my young children that live with me, my other friends and family members, my employees and anyone else that is associated with me and my family and may be confronted by Mr. Massler in his repeated attempts to get close to me.”

Terry Abbot, Paltrow’s director of security, also confirmed intercepting over 100 emails from Massler to the star and her family.

Scarily enough, this isn’t the first restraining order against Massler; the William Morris Talent Agency in Los Angeles has their own against him as well.

Massler has been in jail since October, and is under $1 million bail.

Hopefully, producing the upcoming Broadway show Head Over Heels will help Gwyneth Paltrow keep this off her mind. We wish her the best during this hard time.

Learn more right here.