Woman Tests Positive For Opiates After Eating Poppy Seed Bagel!
What a fiasco!
By kncipat on August 9, 2018
It still amazes me that this can happen, but alas…
BuzzFeed News reports, “Elizabeth Eden was in labor back in April at the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, Maryland, when her doctor came in with some surprising news. “I was in labor, I was sitting on the bed. I was having contractions on a Pitocin drip and the doctor came in and said I tested positive for opiates,” Eden told NBC affiliate WBAL-TV.
Eden, who had eaten a poppy seed bagel that morning for breakfast, said she recalled learning that the seeds could alter drug test results and asked the doctor to test her a second time. According to her account, the doctor refused to do another test and told Eden that she had already been reported to state authorities.”
Her child was help by officials for several days, what a fiasco!