Teenager Takes Mom To Senior Prom Because She Missed Hers

When 18-year-old Nassir asked his mom to prom, she couldn’t have been more surprised or any happier telling her son, she’d be honored.

By Pacey on April 20, 2018
(Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

When 18-year-old Nassir asked his mom to prom, she couldn’t have been more surprised or any happier telling her son, she’d be honored.

His mom is a single mom and wasn’t able to go to her own senior prom 18 years ago because she was taking care of Nassir, who was a toddler at the time. She told her son a few years back about how she didn’t go to her prom because she’d decided to spend her money on her first apartment. After that, he always felt that she deserved to go and help him celebrate one of the most important nights of his high school years.

On Instagram his mom wrote of being asked, “At that moment, I knew I did a great job raising him.”

To say she looked amazing is an understatement! Both had a night they’ll never forget. See more pic on Yahoo!

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