Selena Gomez Called ‘Disgusting & Dispicable’ By Suicide Victim’s Father

John Herndon, a father whose daughter killed herself after watching “13 Reasons Why,” blasted Selena Gomez in a recent interview, saying: “Selena’s behavior is disgusting and despicable. She has been given the ability to create something that she herself does not understand and never will.”

By Motherly on June 26, 2018
Selena Gomez Suicide, John Herndon, 13 Reasons Why Suicide
(Photo by Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Billboard)

The Selena Gomez-produced Netflix hit, 13 Reasons Why, received positive reviews while also causing controversy. With a focus on teenage suicide, it’s not surprising that many parents worried how the show would affect their kids. However, John Herndon, a father whose daughter killed herself after watching the show, is not holding back his anger anymore.

According to Radar Online, Herndon blasted Gomez in a recent interview. He explained:

“I’m actually a lot more mad than I was. They’re starting to brainwash people. They make all encompassing statements like, ‘Everyone loves this show.’ But suicide strikes all different kinds of people.”

Back in 2017, Herndon’s 15-year-old daughter hung herself in her closet. While her parents were able to get her to a hospital, she passed away 10 days later. It was only after her tragic death did they find out their daughter had been watching 13 Reasons Why.

Herndon is especially angry with Gomez for failing to positively use her platform in regards to suicide. He described his feelings toward the actress and singer, saying:

“Selena’s behavior is disgusting and despicable. She has been given the ability to create something that she herself does not understand and never will. I’m disgusted by her mother, too.”

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Selena Gomez’s mother, Mandy Teefey, is also a producer on the show, and she recently refused to apologize for her role in creating the show. While she feels she’s helping create a tool for kids and parents to use when discussing bullying, many others don’t agree. Herndon himself explained how he felt after seeing the interview, saying:

“I think it just goes to show how negligent the company was because they very specifically targeted kids. It’s asinine beyond belief. They’re looking to make a profit off of the misery of others… They should be indicted for their lack of responsibility, the self-enrichment they’ve gotten from this. This was not a public service message… There’s nothing redeeming about that at all.”

After receiving criticism for glamorizing suicide, Netflix added an anti-suicide warning at the start of each new season of the show. However, John Herndon believes it’s too late for that warning.

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