Oakland A’s Hitter Gets Home Run After Make-A-Wish Child Signs Jersey [VIDEO]

Oakland A’s hitter Khris Davis had a kid from the Make-A-Wish Foundation sign his jersey before the game, and went on to hit a home-run.

By on August 21, 2018
(Photo by Duane Burleson/Getty Images)

What a great story! Oakland A’s hitter Khris Davis hit a home-run after he had a little boy from the Make-A-Wish foundation autograph his jersey.

Anthony Slocumb is a 10-year-old with Langerhans cell histiocytosis, which infects the immune system. He’s in remission, and was with a group of other children from the foundation. They were all meeting the Oakland A’s players before a game, when hitter Khris Davis took to little Anthony pretty well. They were talking one-on-one for a bit before Khris asked Anthony to sign his jersey, autograph-style.

Anthony signed the jersey, and the game started. Khris was up to bat in the third inning, and he hit a home-run right away while wearing that signed shirt. Khris says about Anthony, “I wanted to rock that. I wanted him to know that I was thinking about him… He just told me I was his favorite and he was here to watch me play.” How cool is that!? “I thought about (Slocumb) around the bases. There’s not a better feeling than hitting a home run, so hopefully he got some excitement and joy from watching that,” he added.

Anthony recounted his talk with the hitter by saying “So, I was like, ‘You’re my favorite player’ and he was like, ‘Cool.’ I said, ‘Can you sign my jersey?’ and then he said, ‘Sure, do you want to sign mine, too?’ And I was like, ‘Sure,’ so we basically signed each other’s jerseys. That’s what happened.” See some more on the story here.

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