Duke, the dog in the Bush’s Baked Beans commercials, has been played by a few different animal actors over the years. One such dog is Sam. Sam’s family lives in my hometown, Apopka, which is about 30 mins northwest of Orlando.

A family friend posted the following on Facebook.


Orlando news station WKMG reports, “Bush’s Baked Beans released a statement on Twitter Tuesday about Sam’s death:

“We continue to be overwhelmed by fan interest and their love of Duke. The relationship between Jay and his beloved dog Duke is the embodiment of the BUSH’S brand, and has been a part of our family story for more than 20 years. During that time, we’ve worked closely with several dogs who portrayed Duke in our commercials, including Sam. While Sam has not worked with us in years, we are saddened by the news of his passing and are grateful to have had him depict Duke. Because Duke is iconic to BUSH’S and so adored by our fans, we will continue to use him in our ads.”

RIP Sam!