Daycare Tapes Toddler’s Shoes To Her Legs – Mom Furious!

It is at moments like this when I am glad I am not a parent, because I would be in jail right now. Can you even imagine?

By kncipat on May 23, 2018
A swing stands at a playground.
(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

It is at moments like this when I am glad I am not a parent, because I would be in jail right now. Can you even imagine?

According to CafeMom, “Mom Jessica Hayes was steaming mad after she went to pick up her 17-month-old daughter from her Pleasant Hill daycare in Elkin, North Carolina only to find out that staff there had taped her daughter’s shoes to her feet. After peeling the masking tape off of her toddler’s ankles, she took to Facebook to share photos and vent about the incident. Although most commenters agreed that she had a right to be upset, some felt she shouldn’t have gone public about the incident.”

Some of the pics are pretty disturbing, in fact, in one the tape has bruised the child’s skin. We have shared the photos below.

What would you do in this situation?

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