Christina Aguilera never wants to return to The Voice.
The pop legend told Billboard that the show was an “energy sucker” by the end. She felt that the show lost its direction as it continued on:
“It became something that I didn’t feel was what I had signed up for in season one. You realize it’s not about music. It’s about making good TV moments and massaging a story. I didn’t get into this business to be a television show host and to be given all these [rules]. Especially as a female: You can’t wear this, can’t say that. I would find myself on that show desperately trying to express myself through clothing or makeup or hair. It was my only kind of outlet.”
“I would just take everything off — the makeup, all of it — and would blast hip-hop, or Nirvana, ‘Creep,’ Slayer. Anything like that to get me out of that zone, that TV mode.”
Related: Who Did Christina Aguilera ‘Like’ On Mickey Mouse Club? [VIDEO]
She stayed with the show for multiple seasons to offer stability for her children:
“It’s easy to get comfortable and cushy in the same place and not have to worry about uprooting your kids. I’ve been putting myself on the back burner.”
Christina has been keeping busy since she left The Voice. She’s coming back with a new album, Liberation, on June 15.