Can You Pass the “Flamingo Test”?
By djsheryl on June 22, 2022
Can you stand like a flamingo for 10 seconds or more? If so, good news….you’re likely to live longer than those who cannot. A new study has found that middle-aged people who cannot balance on one leg for 10 seconds are at a dramatically increased risk of dying within seven years. The researchers are even recommending that this simple test be included as part of someone’s annual physical.
Wanna try it? Here’s how it works…each participant was asked to stand barefoot on one leg while keeping their other leg raised in the air, just like Daniel-San in “Karate Kid”. They were also required to keep their head upright and their arms straight at their side for the whole 10-seconds. The test got harder for people as they got older. Just 5% of participants between the ages of 51 and 55 failed the flamingo test, with the number rising to 54% for people between the ages of 71 and 75. In addition to older age, however, those who failed the test were more likely to be overweight and were three times as likely to have diabetes.
What do you do if you fail the “flamingo test”? Researchers recommend that you follow up with your doctor for a physical as soon as you can.