The Average Person Gives Their Spouse A Grade Of B-

By Felicia Czochanski on September 11, 2018
(Photo by Jonathan Brady – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

I mean, it’s passing right? A little above average, but not much! A new survey asked people to give their sig-other a letter grade in several different aspects of their relationship and overall, we’re a B-.

Here are the average grades in 10 of the categories:

  1. Making an effort with their partner’s family and parents, B-
  2. Romance overall, C+
  3. Being spontaneous, C
  4. Listening, C+
  5. Humor, B-
  6. Cleanliness, B
  7. Sex life, B
  8. Overall foreplay skill, B-
  9. Patience, C+
  10. Taste in movies and TV, B-

How does your spouse stack up?

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