Aretha Franklin: Died With NO Will!

“…the singer died “intestate” — meaning she had no will at the time of death.”

By kncipat on August 21, 2018
Aretha Franklin (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images)

Surprising given her wealth and status, but the legendary Aretha Franklin left behind no will.

TMZ: “…the singer died “intestate” — meaning she had no will at the time of death.

It’s especially surprising given that she has a special needs son named Clarence who needs financial and other forms of support for his entire life.

Aretha was ill for several years, but apparently did not see the end coming … or possibly a will was low on the priority list.

According to Michigan law, Aretha’s 4 kids will share equally in her estate.”

We’ll keep en eye on this developing story.

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