118 Year Old Woman: Secret To Long-Life Is “Good Food.”

This is a longevity plan I can get behind!

By kncipat on July 27, 2018
(Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images for NYCWFF)

This is a longevity plan I can get behind! A 118 year old Mexican woman, has revealed her secret to life. María Félix

NBC LA reports, “The old woman says that her secret was to eat “good food” specifically from the desert. What helped me was the nopales (Opuntia cacti), the pingüica (a type of fruit), the purslane and the quelite (a grass),” said Felix.”

She also ‘takes a taste’ of alcohol every now and then, and seems like a firecracker!

This woman is still feisty, and has seen some stuff in the last century…to say the least! Check out NBC LA’s cool photo gallery on María here!

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