STUDY: Playing Games On Your Phone More Relaxing Than Meditation!
You may have the solution to your work stress right there in your pocket.
By Admin on August 6, 2019
You may have the solution to your work stress right there in your pocket. Your phone, believe it or not!
According to this new study out of the UK, playing a game on your phone is just as relaxing as meditating, and might be even more relaxing!
The researchers had one group of people play a game on their phone to unwind after a day of work . . . and had some people use a mindfulness app to do breathing and meditation exercises. They ultimately found the people who played the game wound up feeling more relaxed than the people who meditated. The more they liked the game, the more relaxed they felt.
The craziest finding from the study, people who meditated felt progressively WORSE the more days they did it!