Scrabble Just Added Words Like OK, Ew, Yowza, Bizjet, and Qapik
By on September 25, 2018
Scrabble just added 300 words to its official dictionary for the first time in 4 years. Some you know, others you’re gonna wanna write down on a cheat sheet, like QAPIK. Yep, a word that starts with “q” that doesn’t’ need a “u” after it! So what is a qapik? Apparently it’s a coin in Azerbaijan. Other words that are now okay according to the official Scrabble dictionary: “ok” and “ew” along with Zen . . . yowza . . . bizjet . . . emoji . . . zomboid . . . and aquafaba. And, they’re also adding some more modern slang words like facepalm . . . bestie . . . sheeple . . . puggle . . . hivemind . . . and twerk.