The One-Piece Bathing Suit Just Got Improved And It’s About Time

Someone finally made a one-piece bathing suit that has bottoms that come off for certain restroom-time necessities.

By on October 5, 2018
(Photo by H. F. Davis/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

The one-piece bathing suit is a staple. It’s in everyone’s closet, and they’re no longer left on store shelves. They’ve become a sort of trend in recent years, and just got a big improvement.

The one-piece has always had one big issue. Bathroom breaks. Unless you’re somehow skilled enough to “move it over,” you have to remove it completely when you have to pop in the bathroom. Well, one designer just solved that problem by turning the one-piece into a two-piece. I know I know, but listen. It fastens together and IS a one-piece; it just has a removable bottom. Hey presto, the top stays in place and the bottom disappears! So if you actually leave the pool to pee, this might be for you.

So the suit has been in the works for most of this past summer, and they’re getting ready to ship. They’ll be sending them out in January after basically a year or more in development. Hey, it takes some time for things to happen sometimes. You need investors, testing, designers, etc. But the good news is that they’ll be ready for next spring and summer, so that’s a plus. Check out more information on the new one-piece over here.

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