It seems that Teens are always on their phones, but somehow they ‘forget’ to respond to their parents texts.

This is exactly what Nick Herbert, a father from the UK, experienced when he got his son Ben an iPhone.

Herbert told Good Housekeeping, that he thought giving his son a cell phone as he entered middle school would make it easier to keep in contact with him, but it didn’t go exactly as planned.

“My son has an iPhone, but I still can’t get hold of him very easily as it’s always on silent because he is planning games or has been at school and forgotten to turn the sound back on. There didn’t seem to be a solution out there that allowed me to send a message to him, that would override the silent function, appear over whatever he was doing and tell me when he had seen it.”

To solve this problem, Herbert created an app, ReplyASAP that takes over the phones screen and sounds an alarm even when the phone is on silent. Once the teen responds to their parent the alarm goes off and they gain access to their phone again.

The app also alerts parents once their child has seen the message even if they don’t respond.

Herbert said that his son was surprisingly accepting of the app,

“it gives him the freedom to keep his phone on silent, but with the knowledge that I can get a message to him if necessary, and that when I send him a message on it, it will be important.”

ReplyASAP is currently available for download on Android phones in the United States, and Herbert has plans to release a version for iPhone users in the future.

Let us know what you think of this app in the comments!