High Mosquito Activity Prompts Spraying In Sacramento Area
A number of birds and mosquitoes have tested positive for West Nile
By Marilyn Nelson on July 20, 2018
The Sacramento-Yolo Moquito and Vector Control District will be conducting aerial spraying over the areas of Elk Grove, Pocket and neighborhoods south of Fruitridge Road next week.
Due to concerns over increased West Nile virus activity in the region, the south area is scheduled to be sprayed with the insecticide Trumpet EC for two consecutive nights – Monday 7/23 and Tuesday 7/24 from approximately 8pm – midnight.
A number of birds and mosquitoes in the area have tested positive for West Nile virus over the past few weeks, causing concern.
“It is imperative that we act quickly to reduce the risk of human West Nile virus transmission and protect public health, especially since the hottest weeks of summer are upon us and populations of mosquitoes are very high increasing the risk to residents,” said District Manager Gary Goodman.
You can sign up for aerial spraying updates by texting “sprayupdate” to 69922 or visit FightTheBite.net