Estella Warren is in hot water with her former landlord.
Radar Online is reporting that the actress is no longer living at her Los Angeles apartment following her eviction.
After skipping out on rent for five months, the apartment’s owner, Jack Bitton, had enough. He went to court to either get his rent money, or get her to leave. However, Warren still didn’t pay and even claimed that Bitton was keeping the apartment in complete disrepair. The court quickly found in favor of Bitton though, and eventually told Warren that she need to move out.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of it.
While the lack of rent was bad enough, the condition that Bitton found the apartment in made things even worse.
Parts of the apartment were filthy and there was a leak he hadn’t known about that caused water damage. All in all, he’s out about $15,000 between rent, repairs, and cleaning. He told Radar after Warren had left:
“I am free of her and I got my place back. I will let the collection agencies hunt her down.”
Estella Warren is known for her work in Planet of the Apes, Kangaroo Jack, and Perfume.
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