Celebs Reveal What They Bought With Their First Big Paycheck
By on June 29, 2018
We’ve all dreamed of making it big! Whether in Hollywood, your current field of employment or winning the lottery daydreaming of how we’d spend millions is fun to do! I’ve often wondered what a paycheck looks like when your salary is 4.5 million dollars! I mean, you could buy a car with cash with one of those bad boys, right?
Well, here’s what some of the people who DID make it bought with their first payday:
Johnny Depp: A horse farm in Kentucky for his mother.
Nicole Kidman: A washing machine for her parents. Later on, she bought, quote, “the coolest boots I had ever seen in my life.”
Jennifer Lopez: A new Mercedes.
America Ferrera: A Mitsubishi Mirage.
Serena Williams: Nothing. She put it straight in the bank. All SEVEN FIGURES of it.
Ariel Winter: “A lot of shoes.”
Kerry Washington: Her first laptop.
Ashley Graham: A personal trainer . . . and shoes.
Brad Pitt: “A period Craftsman chair and a Frank Lloyd Wright–wannabe lamp.”
Brie Larson: An electric guitar.
Cindy Crawford: Wallpaper.
What would YOU buy?