Bed Bath & Beyond Will Buy Your Remaining Toys R Us Gift Cards
Still have a Toys R Us gift card you’re trying to get rid of before they go out of business? You may want to consider this.
By on April 4, 2018
Still have a Toys R Us gift card you’re trying to get rid of before they go out of business? You may want to consider this. Toys R Us announced it will stop accepting gift cards April 21st, but as you can imagine, inventory is getting low and you have to go into the store since their websites are already shut down. So, that’s leaving a lot of people scrambling to use up their gift cards.
Well, Bed Bath and Beyond announced it will exchange your remaining Toys R Us and Babies R Us gift cards for Bed Bath and Beyond e-gift cards. BUT… and it’s a big but… you won’t get the full value of your card. Instead, they’re offering $16.05 for a $25 card and $64.20 for a $100 card. They’ll also accept cards with partial balances, as long as they’re over $20. You’ll also have to act fast. The offer is only good until 11:59 p.m. E.T. Thursday, April 5. Get all the details HERE!