Student Rescues Squirrel With CPR Learned From ‘The Office’ [VIDEO]

A student in Michigan saved a squirrel using a CPR technique that she learned from watching ‘The Office.’ TV really CAN save lives!

By Admin on April 6, 2018
(Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

A college student in Michigan saved a squirrel using a CPR technique that she learned from watching The Office.

Natalie Belisto ran out to help when she heard a squirrel was drowning in a pond. After another student managed to get the animal out of the water, Natalie started performing CPR. She told NBC:

“It was a super cool feeling to know that I saved an innocent life. I watched a lot of Animal Planet as a kid, but for the CPR part was literally all from that episode in The Office.”

After a couple of hours, she and her soccer teammates released the squirrel outside:

“After he ran up the tree we all were screaming and our minds were blown honestly, the whole night we couldn’t stop talking about what happened.”

The Office episode Natalie remembered is from season five. The Dunder Mifflin staff learn to chest compressions for CPR to the beat of “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees.

Finally, click here to see the video.

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