Would You Travel Aboard A Replica Titanic Along The Same Route? [VIDEO]

By DAVID on October 23, 2018

The Titanic is probably one of the most famous ships (besides the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, of course). Back in 2012, it was announced that they were going to make a replica ship, just like the original, and call it “Titanic II.” But it never happened due to funding.

Well, funding has been secured. They’re saying it’s going to be about $500 million to build, so if you win the mega millions tonight, you could bankroll the ship. Anyway, Blue Star Line will be building the ship, not to be confused with the company that built the original, “White Star Line.” The ship is in-progress, at least planning is, and they hope to set sail in summer 2022. The initial cruise from Dubai to Southampton in England will be two weeks. Then the ship will trace the exact same (mostly) route that the original Titanic took. Titanic II will hold 2400 passengers and 900 crew members.

The ship itself will be pretty much identical, except for the technology. They’re going to modernize all the tech and navigation. And yes, they’ll have modern safety equipment on board too. We’re pretty sure there will be enough lifeboats this time as well. The say that the ship will look and “feel” just like the original. The designers say it will even have the same cabin layout. Obviously there have been safety standards and various regulation that changed over the years. Hopefully it will stay pretty much just like it was. There’s no question it was pure luxury back in 1912, and we can’t even imagine being on board. It would be amazing to just walk around for a few hours. See more about the ship here.

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