Volunteers Come Together To Move Homeless Veteran Into His Renovated Childhood Home
After 20 years in the Air Force and Air Reserves he found himself homeless.
By Pacey on April 25, 2018
More than 70 volunteers came together in Indianapolis to help move a homeless veteran into his renovated childhood home. It’s all thanks to the Home Depot’s commitment to house all homeless veterans by 2020.
60-year-old Michael Malone served 20 years in the Air Force and Air Reserves. However, he recently suffered the heartbreaking loss of his mother and his daughter.
He was left his childhood home when his mother died, but couldn’t afford the extensive repairs needed to be able to live in the house, so he ended up homeless. However, someone at Home Depot found out about his situation and rallied together with Volunteer for America to renovate his home free of charge. After just a few days of work, Malone was able to move back into the house.
Afterward, he talked to local media saying,
“I’m kind of overwhelmed. I’m happy. I’m sad in a sense that my mother won’t be here to experience this — this was her home. [But] this just blows me away that there are people really truly that kind. It absolutely restores my view of humanity.”
Check out the renovations and see Malone’s reaction on Fox 59 HERE