If getting along with your coworkers is a struggle, a solution might be as easy as grabbing a cup of coffee before engaging. A new study out of UC Davis finds that fueling up with coffee before a meeting helps you engage, be more sociable, and self-confident.
“Caffeine seems to focus [people’s] discussion on the topic, make people participate more than they would without caffeine and leave them feeling better about their own participation and others’ participation,” lead reseacher, Vasu Unnava told CNBC, “
Caffeinated coffee drinker’s moods improved and they were able to enjoy group discussions. They also felt more alert and were more willing to participate with the group again in the future, compared to those drinking decaf coffee.
However, researchers also found that drinking too much coffee gives you the jitters and might make you less attentive. So, keep is under four cups a day.