Teen Dancer Severely Injured, Couldn’t Walk After Copying Internet Trend
A teen who has spent her whole life in dance had to learn how to walk again after injuring herself trying out an Instagram video trend.
By on July 31, 2018
You know the Kiki Challenge, also known as the “In My Feelings” challenge. You see the videos all over Instagram of people dancing to Drake’s “In My Feelings” song. People are jumping out of their moving car, dancing on the road, and getting back in. It’s stupid, it’s dangerous, and very illegal. This teen girl found out the hard way after getting airlifted to a hospital.
Ok, so that second one was probably set up to be a fail like that, but really, who knows for sure. Obviously you can see the danger. A driverless car going down the road and a possible unconscious driver unable to get back to that car. 18-year-old Anna experienced that first hand. She was out with friends, and wanted to try the Kiki Challenge. Not sure if they were recording it at the time, the footage hasn’t been released if so, but it didn’t go well. She says as soon as she stepped out of the car, she tripped. “I tried, and the last thing I remember was opening the door. So apparently I got out and tripped and fell and hit my head, she says.
She’s been a dancer since she was 3 years old, and now is having to learn how to walk all over again. “Be more careful about the challenges and fads that are going around. It may seem fun, and it may seem easy, but at the same too, they could be so dangerous,” Anna said. Check out some more info on Anna’s story here.