Study: Office Pets Can Help Reduce Stress Levels
Do you have an office pet?
By Admin on May 31, 2019
According to People, having pets at work can have a significant effect on stress on the job.
Marie-José Enders studies the relationships of humans to animals, and says that your stress hormone, cortisol, can drop while a pet is present. She states, “Not only does your cortisol level drop when you stroke a dog; you also produce more of the hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel more relaxed and happy.”
The study was conducted with three separate groups: one who brought their dogs to work, one who had not, and one who did not have any pets. Saliva samples were taken to monitor stress levels of participants. And this isn’t just for dog people! Researchers say that cats can have the same healing effect.
What do you think? Should more businesses have animals on the job?
Feeling stressed? Come to Pet-a-Palooza tomorrow! All the info is HERE!