A Stranger Paid For Keith Urban At A Store Without Knowing It Was Him

By Felicia Czochanski on August 8, 2018
(Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images for Turner)

Keith Urban was recently at a convenience store in Jersey before one of his shows when a woman behind him heard that he was short $5. So, without knowing who he was, she offered to pick up the tab. When he thanked her and said his name was Keith, she made a comment about how he looked like Keith Urban. When he said he WAS, she didn’t believe him! She wanted to know where Nicole was, and why he was there with another woman. Keith explained that he was there with his sister, and even had his bodyguard back him up.  They ended up laughing about it, and taking great selfie together.

Turns out the woman is a teacher named Ruth Reed. And, now that her story has gone viral she says she couldn’t believe what an idiot she was! But, it’s okay Ruth, we might not have known either!







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