Skip The Chips To Avoid The Flu
If you’re going to a football party this weekend, here’s a tip: Skip the chip bowl. Otherwise you run the risk of catching that horrible flu bug.
By Pacey on February 2, 2018
If you’re going to a football party this weekend, here’s a tip: Skip the chip bowl. Seriously. Whether it’s chips, peanuts, popcorn, M&Ms, crackers…if it’s in a large community bowl that everyone is reaching into, stay away. Otherwise you run the risk of catching that flu bug that’s spreading like wildfire.
Researchers at Cornell University have even been able to track an increase the flu virus in cities with a team playing in Sunday’s big game, according to She Knows. Why? Because cities with excited fans have more parties, and those parties mean more people in close contact.
Therefore, eating out of the same bowl, brings you into very close contact with everyone’s germs. And you know there’s that kid that’s going to be double dipping.
So, you may be hyper aware about washing your hands to avoid getting sick, but you have no idea if those sharing the chip bowl are as vigilant as you.