Remember The Atari Game Console? It’s Back! [PIC]
The new Atari game console is stunning!
By kncipat on May 31, 2018
I remember pong. Yep, I am old enough to remember pong, on an Atari…like this one:
Remember that!? Crazy right? Well, it looks like our kids will now have a chance to experience that beeping, wood-finished box of joy for themselves.
Mashable reports, “the Atari VCS is now available for pre-sale on Indiegogo, with an expected ship date somewhere in the middle of 2019. Two variants of the console are being offered, and they don’t come cheap.
The Day One Collector’s Edition is $339, but the “early bird pricing” is $299. It has a retro design with a wooden front packaged with a joystick and modern controller that’s more along the lines of what you’d get with an Xbox.
Then there’s the Atari VCS Onyx, which at the $199 Indiegogo price, is more affordable, but it drops the wooden facade for a glossy black one. However, it also doesn’t include any controllers, which is a bummer. The Onyx’s “regular” price is $249, and console plus a joystick sets you back $279. A bundle with a joystick and modern controller is $319.”
Atari says this will not be a ‘classic edition’ console, but will in fact be a modern gaming system.
Here’s what the new Atari looks like: