Pizza Guys Feeds Homeless Students For National Pizza Day

Pizza Guys continues its commitment to supporting communities

By Marilyn Nelson on February 10, 2021
(Photo by Debbi Morello/Getty Images)

National Pizza Day (2/9) was a day to give back to the community for Sacramento based Pizza Guys. 

Every student at Sacramento’s Mustard Seed School – a private school for kids experiencing homelessness – received a free pizza.

“There’s still kids out there in this pandemic experiencing homelessness living in cars, living in motels and tents, unfortunately. So being able to do something special for them is very meaningful,” Mustard Seed director Casey Knittel told KCRA.

Throughout the pandemic Pizza Guys has been donating thousands of pizzas to healthcare workers, and homeless shelters throughout California Oregon and Nevada.

“Supporting the communities that our locations serve have always been a key part of who Pizza Guys is as a brand,” added Pizza Guys CEO and founder Shahpour Nejad Nejad.


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