This story happened several months ago, but is blowing up on the internet today. You know that thing your Mom used to tell you about putting your feet up on the dash? Yeah, one woman learned the hard way!
KCRA reports, “Whenever Audra Tatum of Walker County, Georgia used to get into the passenger seat of a car, she’d immediately prop her feet up against the dashboard.
“My husband would tell me, ‘if we have a wreck it’s going to break your leg,'” Tatum told NewsChannel 9. “I dismissed him.”
But on a quick drive to her parents to pick up their two sons two years ago, another car T-boned Tatum and her husband.
“When the airbag exploded, it pushed my foot up into my face,” Tatum said. The force broke not only her ankle and femur, but also her nose and shoulder.”
Definitely listening to my Mom from now on!