Mark Hamill opened up about how he feels regarding a potential recast of the iconic Princess Leia role.
After Carrie Fisher’s death, fans rallied to get Meryl Streep to play Leia in Episode IX. However, Mark isn’t so on board with that.
It’s a tricky situation because Episode IX originally had Leia at the core of the story. Mark told Collider:
“First of all I don’t know what the specific plans were for that character but just the way Han Solo [Harrison Ford] was more prominent in seven. Luke more prominent in eight, we assumed Leia would be more prominent in nine, especially since the dynamic of having Kylo Ren [Adam Driver] as her son.”
Carrie’s death, however, resulted in a necessary rewrite. Star Wars producers already ruled out digitally recreating her for the films. Mark continued:
“They’ve already ruled out of a computer generated performance like they did with Peter Cushing so, gee, that’s gotta be a really, not insurmountable problem. But I know that the script had been in development. So when we lost her, they had to go back to square one. But she is irreplaceable, you know, as far as I’m concerned.”
To Mark, the role of Princess Leia cannot be separated from Carrie Fisher:
”I think it would be tough recasting Carrie because she is so indelibly linked to that character.”