The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test has become very popularized in today’s society. The test outlines the four different principles in which human beings see the world around them based on studies by psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Carl Jung.
For those who are hooked on taking personality tests, here are a few more to take if you’ve already taken the MBTI, courtesy of Bustle. The titles of each test will link you to the personality quiz.
This test was developed by Psychology Today, which claims that by taking the test will “you will come away from taking it with a much richer understanding of who you are as a person.”
This quiz doesn’t follow the traditional format of “choose which applies to you” in personality tests. Instead, it gives you visual cues and photos to determine different aspects about your personality.
Following along with the unconventional personality tests, Test Color uses only your selection of colors to give you an assessment. The website claims this test was developed by a team of clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, and mathematicians.
This test, developed by global research and the learning company the Institute for Health and Human Potential (IHHP), measures your emotional personality by asking questions about things like how you handle criticism.
EQ measures a person’s level of empathy towards others. This quiz provides scenarios and asks how you’d react in those situations.