Photo: March of Dimes
Photo: March of Dimes

Photo: March of Dimes






Join Mix 96 on Saturday, April 26th for March of Dimes’ “March For Babies”!

Mix 96 wants to take steps to help moms have healthy pregnancies and make strides to save babies’ lives by participating in the Sacramento March for Babies event.  Join us and the more than 7,000 people who are walking together for stronger, healthier babies.

The money raised in March for Babies is critical to funding research and education needed to help prevent premature birth, birth defects and other threats to infant health.  You can help give every baby a healthy start by registering today!

Date: Saturday, April 26th

Time: 9:00am (Registration 7:30am)

Location: State Capitol, 1301 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816

The day will begin with an inspirational launch by the March for Babies 2014 Chair Alex Gonzalez President of Sac State. The walk will then leave from Capitol Mall and continue through Old Sacramento onto Front Street, then 13th Street, which will lead to a 3 mile route that concludes on 10th Street, and then back at the West Steps of State Capitol (the festival zone, with music and contests)!

For more information on this year’s walk, click HERE.