It’s Been 5 Years Since The Average Adult Made A New Friend!

Think about the last time you made a new friend?  And Facebook friends don’t count. Probably challenging huh?

By Admin on May 10, 2019
(Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Think about the last time you made a new friend?  And Facebook friends don’t count. Probably challenging huh?

A new study found our ability to make new friends peaks at age 23, then declines.  And the average adult hasn’t made a new friend in FIVE YEARS.

Being too shy or introverted is the #1 reason people said they struggle to make friends as an adult.  And the second most common excuse is, “I don’t go to bars anymore.”

The top five also include:  “It’s hard to break into someone’s friend group,” “My family takes up all of my time,” and, “I don’t have any hobbies where I meet new people.”

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