Remember the story of the adorable girl who dressed as Ruth Bader Ginsburg on a heroes day at her school!
USA Today reports, “the Washington, D.C.-area third grader slayed so severely in her RBG get-up that the 83-year-old judge sent her a letter.
Krista Threefoot said her daughter had read and re-read, “I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark,” a picture book of the justice’s lifetime of standing up for what she believes in.
“Michele really identified with many of the stories related in the book,” Krista said. “She gets fired up over injustice, especially when it has to do with girls not having the same opportunities as boys do.”
So when Michele’s school hosted Superhero Day, she forewent the traditional imposing female characters and decided to go with the pint-sized justice, complete with her thick eyeglass frames.
“When superhero day came around, it just clicked,” Krista said. “She isn’t really interested in Marvel or other superheroes, but she knew of a real life superhero so she went with that.”
She would go on to receive a letter from the Notorious RBG herself!