
Alexa Has a New Voice…Your Dead Loved One’s!
Do you think this is creepy or cool? Alexa can now mimic the voice of anyone, including a dead loved one. All the system needs is about a minute of...

These Words Might Help You Win at Wordle!
Do you have a certain word that you start each game of Wordle with? Ideally, you want to start with a word that has the most common letters and vowels...

Apple Users: Prepare Yourself For iOS 13
Apple announced on June 3rd that they were to release iOS 13 in September, and we couldn’t be more happy about the upgrades! Now that the release date of iOS...

Do You Sleep With Your Phone?
We humans have an interesting relationship with our phones. But some are closer to their phones than others.

How To #MuteRKelly From Your Phone
With all this R. Kelly news and the docuseries on Lifetime, now is a good time to review how to remove songs from your phone's library.

This Is Eerie – The Sky Above New York Turned Bright Blue At Night
The sky turned a bright-blue color last night in New York City, and people were speculating about alien attacks or the second coming.

Engineer Builds Glitter Bomb To Get Back At Package Thieves
A guy who clearly stayed in school built this glitter-bomb decoy package after something was stolen off his porch, and it's the best revenge ever.

What The Deal Is With This ‘Text Tax,’ And What It Means
A "text tax" was proposed, which would place an extra tax on the very act of sending a text message, but it's in the early stages and has some hurdles to jump.

Scientists Have Finally Made A Pill Robot You Swallow For Good Health
A medical diagnosing robot-pill is in the testing phase, and it promises an inside look at the body, useful for diagnosing ailments and even administering medicine.

Let’s Get To The Bottom Of Why Millennials Hate Talking On The Phone
It's no question that young people hate having to make or receive a phone call, and this study has just figured out why that is.

Top 10 Most Downloaded Apps In 2018!
I literally have all but 1 of that's good right?

What Time Should You ACTUALLY Go To Sleep?
Trying to get 8 hours of sleep is just impossible it seems, but this calculator will help you figure out when the best time to fall asleep is based on *how* sleep works.

Eerie Drone Footage From Above Paradise, CA After The Fire [VIDEO]
Some local news outlets were able to travel up to Paradise, CA where the fire isn't burning anymore, and capture some aerial footage of the destruction.

If You’ve Ever Wanted To ‘Erase’ Someone From A Photo, This Service Is For You
We live in the "picture" age, since we've got cameras in our pockets, we have pictures of us with all sorts of people, but if you've ever wanted to "erase" someone, here you go.

Pet Finding App Reunites Fire Evacuees With Their Pets
A woman created an app that helps pet owners who evacuated from the California fires find their pets who may have gone missing during the evacuation process.