If you had a famous relative, would you name-drop them to hook up? Maybe? Yes? Of course you would! And nobody knows that better than Angela Kinsey who played Angela on “The Office.” Apparently she just found out her 25-year-old nephew James used her in his Tinder profile. And, he sounds like a real catch. Not. Here’s what his profile says… “Lifelong musician. Can get along with just about anyone. Also a former firefighter. You can still call me a fireman ’cause I can turn the hoes on… And yes, Angela from ‘The Office’ is my aunt.”
Well, needless to say, she doesn’t like her name being thrown around so her nephew can get some tail. So, she posted a message on her Instagram Stories, saying, “Nephews . . . do not put me in your Tinder profile photos. K. Thx. Byeeeee.”