Researchers have found that their may be a positive correlation between desk plants and reducing workplace stress.
According to an article featured on Good Day Sacramento, researchers held an experiment at an electric company in Japan and measured the changes in stress levels before and after the introduction of plants. After the test, findings showed that employees with originally high scores on an anxiety measurement test, found their scores decreased slightly. Another 27% of employees in the experiment showed a significant decrease in resting heart rate.
With these findings, experts believe that if employers actively encouraged workers to take three minute “nature breaks,” the mental health of their employees would improve. Dr. Masahiro Toyoda, lead author of the study and professor at the University of Hyogo, specializes in horticultural therapy and also supported the study and findings. “It’s something we inherently knew, but has suddenly been quantified. And so now, we’re seeing the numbers behind the reasoning,” he said.
Do you keep plants at your desk or around your daily life?
To read more about this study about plants and their benefits, click here.