Halloween is almost here, and people are Google searching their fingers off looking for the perfect costume! Have you ever wondered what people are actually searching for? Got ya covered!

This website called Frightgeist is constantly updated with the top costumes, and (as of when I wrote this) here is the list:

1.  “Fortnite”.

2.  Spider-Man.

3.  Unicorn.

4.  Dinosaur.

5.  Witch.

6.  Harley Quinn.  (The character from “Suicide Squad” and “Batman”.)

7.  Superhero.

8.  Pirate.

9.  Rabbit.

10.  Princess.

Google knows pretty much everything about you, so it makes a lot of sense that “what you’re wearing for Halloween” is part of that.

My halloween costume, WWE Referee Charles Robinson circa 1998 (when he was in WCW), was not on the list:
