You Could Get Paid To Travel On Wow Air This Summer

By on April 24, 2018
(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

Summer is almost here and if you’re looking for something a lotta different to do this summer, the budget airline WOW Air is looking for two friends who want to travel the world together blogging and vlogging about their experiences. Who doesn’t!?? Oh yeah… and you’re travel expenses and living expenses will be covered and you’ll get paid $4,000/mo! If you’re chosen, you will have to move to Iceland from June 1 to August 15 where you’ll be based out of an apartment in Reykjavik. You’ll also get to pick where you want to go, which includes places like Barcelona and Stockholm, as well as U.S. destinations!


Interested? You can apply online by uploading a 2 minute clip HERE with you giving travel tips for your hometown. You have some time to think about it. The deadline is May 14th and the winner will be chosen May 18!

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