Mother Offering $65 Per Hour To Take Her Kids Trick-Or-Treating

A single mother is offering $65 per hour to take her three kids trick-or-treating because she’s terrified of Halloween and doesn’t want to go.

By on October 18, 2018
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

This mother isn’t letting anything stop her children from enjoying Halloween. And that includes her own fear of Halloween. She posted a “job offer” online, offering someone $65 an hour to take her kids trick-or-treating for 4 hours.

The mother says that she’s basically super stressed out about Halloween. She’s afraid of the costumes, and also has some apparent social anxiety about talking to strangers. Sounds like samhainophobia to me, but we’re not doctors or anything. If you’re wondering why her husband can’t do it, well, she’s a single mother. So what’s a mom to do when her kids want to go out for Halloween but she’s terrified? Pay up, I suppose. $65 an hour to take her three children trick-or-treating sounds pretty tempting, really.

She posted the job offer on a parenting website, and it actually got the attention of the owner of the website, Richard Conway. He says “When I saw this advert put onto the website, I wanted to help the woman instantly. She’s clearly trying to do the best for her children and is more than happy to pay someone to perform this service. I got in touch with her to ask how I could help, and promoting this advert seemed like the best way I could help her.” It’s certainly getting some attention for sure, and maybe someone will even come forward and offer to do it for free, who knows.

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