Britney Spears Wants A Mickey Mouse Club Reunion

Britney Spears still remembers The Mickey Mouse Club fondly. She said that she’d ‘definitely go’ to a reunion show. This needs to happen!

By Admin on July 18, 2018
britney spears
(Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

Like many, Britney Spears still remembers The Mickey Mouse Club fondly.

Spears, along with Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, and Keri Russell got their start in the 1990s revival.

“It was a really good time,” Spears told Entertainment Tonight. “It was probably one of the most special times in my life, The Mickey Mouse Club.”

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So would she be down for a reunion?

“They would have to plan it,” Spears said. “I would definitely show up. I would go, definitely.”

What with reunions and revival shows being all the rage now, maybe it’s not too far-fetched to think it could happen!

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